Unless you have a track record of successful ventures, the typical entrepreneur is long on vision, and short on funding. Yet it takes capital to develop the company or the product to the stage that attracts typical VC capital. How do you get financing for an idea that is too early and too small of an investment for a VC firm? One answer is early stage investors - whether "so called" angels, wealthy individuals operating by themselves or in a loose network, who are willing to take a riskier bet on an early stage idea, or more formalized investment firms, who specialize in early stage and smaller deals.
In this event, CSPA will examine what it takes for entrepreneurs to engage these early stage investors. We will invite three enterprising entrepreneurs to pitch their idea/venture/company to a panel of early stage investors. The pitch is live, and the interactions/feedback are real. The pitches will be followed by a general discussion among the investor panel on what they typically look for, when would be a good time to approach such investors, and how to find them. Join us for an informative and insightful evening to explore some key elements in funding your business at the early stage.
* Catherine Ngo, General Partner, Startup Capital Ventures
* Bill Reichert, Managing Director, Garage Technology Ventures
Presentation Coach
* Angelika Blendstrup, Ph.D., Founder & Principal, Blendstrup & Associates
Pre-register & pay at door: $10 for premium members, $25 for basic members, $15 for students, $5+ for walkins, non-members (register as basic member for free).
Official Website: http://www.cspa.com/eventdetail.php?eid=20070925
Added by FullCalendar on September 12, 2007