Civic Centre
Ebbw Vale, Wales NP23 6XB

Raising the flag for Armed Forces Day at the Civic Centre in Ebbw Vale.
Blaenau Gwent Council hosts a flag raising ceremony with representatives of the armed foces.
Coun Des Hillman, Leader of the Council, and Mayor of Blaenau Gwent, Coun Brian Thomas, will welcome guests.
The Council Leader will invite local people to take part in the Armed Forces Day celebrations - a highlight being the national event to be held in Cardiff on Saturday 26 June.
Parking outside the Civic Centre is well used. However, there is ample overspill parking available beyond the Sports Centre and the Christian centre.

Contact details:

Name: Rob Thomson
Phone: 01495 355113

Added by Armed Forces Day on June 21, 2010

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