1329 Huahai Lu (near hengshan lu)
Shanghai, Shanghai

Public Enemy rewrote the rules of hip-hop, becoming the most influential and controversial rap group of the late '80s and, for many, the definitive rap group of all time. Public Enemy pioneered a variation of hardcore rap that was musically and politically revolutionary.

In 1999, DJ Lord joined Pubilc Enemy on their 40th world tour. Soon after, Lord was granted his own performance segment within the pe show. It is the aid of these performances alongside numerous battles, parties and showcases that DJ Lord gained worldwide recognition and acceptance amonst an elite group of turntablists and soon became a highly sought after commodity. Lord is also widely recognized in the D&B area. A firsthand look into the world of DJ Lord and the art of turntablism is documented in the DVD, DJ Lord – “The Turntablist Chronicles”, released in 2004.

作为80年代起长盛不衰的著名rap/hip hop组合Public Enemy的成员之一,DJ Lord与这个传奇的组合共同改写了hip hop的历史,影响了几代音乐人。自1999年加盟组合以来,Lord在hip hop和Drum n Bass领域都得到了全球范围的广泛认可。

Get on down to Bonbon Saturday for the new Beach Honey 2008 Contest. To top it off, we’re giving away 6 Linkin Park concert tickets tonight FREE! Join our DJ and MC crew, get up on stage and you have chance to win 1 of 3 pairs of free tickets!

2008沙滩宝贝新一轮预选赛又拉开帷幕了!即日起每周四、六在bonbon,让我们如火如荼地继续沙滩宝贝盛事的海选!当日另有特别活动,将有3位幸运客人获得每人两张Linkin Park演唱会的门票。我们的DJ和MC会届时播放Linkin Park的经典MTV,如果你够自信够大胆,模仿得最像的那位就可以获得!我们将公正地由台下的欢呼声来评判谁是优胜者,你也心动了吗?赶紧来club bonbon赢取吧!

Male 120RMB, Female 80RMB After 2am 80RMB; OPENBAR 8:30pm - 4:00am

Official Website: http://www.clubbonbon.com

Added by wendyland on November 6, 2007