334 Amsterdam Ave. at 76th St.
New York City, New York

Black(tie) Sabbath! Champagne Kiddush!

Spend Shabbos New Years with 500 Jews rocking out shabbat and new years in a Black Tie (optional) soiree complete with kiddush, fliesh meal, kosher champagne and rooftop fire works and tons of fine looking heebs!

Together with our friends at Dor Chadash and Birthright Israel, bangitout will be rocking out a complete Shabbos Dinner & all night OPEN BAR!

Black Tie Optional!

sign up here; http://www.jccmanhattan.org/viewprogram.aspx?catid=2624&progid=23211#23211

Cost: $70 in advance (includes shabbos dinner and open bar). $85 day of. Space is limited!

(It's Shabbat so your unsober picture won't show up on facebook! yeehaw!)

(100% reliable Kashrus; Rabbi Mehlman)

Official Website: http://www.bangitout.com/events/viewev.php?a=2305

Added by Bangitout on December 17, 2010