736 Mission St
San Francisco, California 94103

Black Sabbath: The Secret Musical History of Black-Jewish Relations

Yiddish jive?! Sit down and relax, or sing along and dance. Black Sabbath, based on the 2010 compilation by the Idelsohn Society of Musical Preservation, is a musical experience where the visitor is immersed in the sounds of a unique slice of recording history. This exhibition explores the Black-Jewish musical encounter, a secret history of the many Black responses to Jewish music, life, and culture. Whether it was Johnny Mathis singing “Kol Nidre,” Cab Calloway experimenting with Yiddish, or Aretha Franklin doing a 60s take on “Swanee”, learn how Black artists treated Jewish music as a resource for African-American identity, history and politics.

August 26, 2010 – March 1, 2011

Open daily (except Wed.) 11 AM- 5:00 PM and Thursday, 1 PM – 8:00 PM

Contemporary Jewish Museum
736 Mission Street (3rd Street and 4th Street)
San Francisco, CA 94103

$10.00 General Admission
$8.00 Students (with a valid ID) and Seniors (65+)
FREE for Members and Youth (18 and under)
$5 on Thursdays after 5 PM

Call: 415.655.7800
Email: info@thecjm.org
Visit: www.thecjm.org

Added by Upcoming Robot on February 6, 2011