Slammin’ hip hop beats, b-boys, breakerz, hot babes, FREE-FLOW ALLNITE OPENBAR, and the new 200,000 rmb Beach Honey 2008 Contest are what its all about on Saturday nights at Bonbon. The hottest babes in the city battle it out for cash and prizes all night long! Voted Shanghai’s “Best Club” 2 years in a row by People’s Choice awards, the party starts off early and goes right through til 4:00 the next morning. Join PQ and Shout Dogg and our international guest resident DJ Mateo (US) in this 2-room madhouse with Hip Hop in the main room and electro in the back.
请密切关注今年夏天将在热带风暴拉开的2008第三届沙滩宝贝盛大评选。全城最火辣的美女纷纷云集BonBon争夺沙滩宝贝冠军头衔和高达20万元的现金大奖+轿车一辆!如果你的身边有美女,请你也推荐!本次沙滩宝贝大选特设推荐人奖,奖金高达3万元!宝贝们将使出浑身解数,我们的MC PQ,Shout Dogg也将为整场竞赛奉上最动感的音乐。赶快加入我们,为你支持的宝贝加油鼓劲!
Entrance + Openbar: Male 120RMB, Female 80RMB After 2am 80RMB; OPENBAR 8:30pm - 4:00am
Official Website:
Added by AT iZoo on May 19, 2008