The World Premiere production of “My Brother’s Keeper (The Story of the Nicholas Brothers)" is written by Rueben Echoles and produced and directed by Black Ensemble Theater Founder and Executive Director Jackie Taylor. This production vibrantly tells the story behind the greatest tap dancers that ever lived. Having danced for nine U.S. presidents, headlined shows all over the world, and appeared in every major television show, nightclub, and theater in America, the Nicholas brothers danced their way into the hearts of millions with successful careers spanning sixty years. Appearing at segregated clubs in the 1930s and in music videos in the 1990s, Fayard and Harold Nicholas dismantled racial barriers and became the most famous dance team of the twentieth century. This production will star Rueben Echoles and RaShawn Thompson as the famous Nicholas Brothers and will showcase the power and excitement of these two dazzling men and share a joyous story with the audience.
Official Website:
Added by gracegirl430 on February 9, 2010