Here you can register for the Black Belt Pre-test.
Pre-testing is optional, but highly encouraged to prepare properly for the Black Belt exam. At the pre-test we will conduct a mini version of the actual exam and you will be given a report card at the end so that you know what areas need improvement for the exam. Parents and friends are welcome to attend and photograph or videotape. T
The fee for the pre-test is $50 but may reduced by referring new students to The Academy. See the referral discounts below.
If you have any questions about the pre-test or concerns about your readiness for the exam, see your instructor immediately.
*All Access Activity Passes may not be used for Pre-Testing.*
Organized by Matt Randall's Black Belt Academy, Inc.(603) 743-6500
Ticket Info: - Pre-Registration, $51.25
- #1 referral discount, $25.99
- #2 referral discount, Free
Official Website: