Los Angeles, California

What opportunities are you missing by not having a business plan?
Is your lender asking for a business plan?

The BizExpress Plan™ class will guide you through the process of creating a professional-looking business plan. A moderator will answer your questions as you develop ideas to grow your business. At the completion of the class, you will have written the foundation of your business plan and have the confidence to quickly complete the rest on your own. Your impressive business plan will answer the who, what, why, how and when of your business.

Classes are facilitated by experienced moderators from Guided Business Plan, an entrepreneur-education firm. Each is class is 2.5 hours plus a 15-minute lounge to network with fellow entrepreneurs. Class registration is $145. Full Class Schedule:

Contact us at 888.523.5244 or via email for additional information.

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”

Added by MayRae on June 6, 2009