University Road
Galway, Galway

BizCamp is an opportunity for entrepreneurs and innovators to come together, share experiences, and possibly create new value out of the day. It’ll be a chance to meet up with people who’ve been there, done that and bought the t-shirt – members of the business community, VCs and investors, and representatives from the relevant state agencies.

Lost your job recently or thinking about bringing your good idea to the world? Come along to BizCamp; who knows what new opportunities might present themselves?

Our aim is to embrace as much of the Irish business community as possible. We want to see people from all areas – finance, operations, HR, legal, delivery specialists, R&D, marketing and technology. Ireland Inc. has a wealth of knowledge and acumen, more than enough to help us out of these troubled times. By attending (and more importantly contributing!) you can help make BizCamp a new good news story, and you never know who you'll meet or how your business will benefit.

I'd like to speak at BizCamp....what do I do?

Just fill in the form on the speaker registration page; we'll go through all the proposed talks to come up with as diverse and interesting a programme as we can.

Added by EU Sales Force on September 1, 2011

Interested 1