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NYC, New York

Update: I made a reservation for 12 (we have 10 people confirmed) for 7:30pm at Sanppo, which is at 1702 Post in Japantown. Sushi!

So G. and I didn't get a joint birthday shindig together in time due to work, death in the family, food poisoning, so much going on.

Sunday's my 31st birthday! Let's just get dinner if you're able after WonderCon or whatever you're doing wraps up. Say 7:30? I'm thinking either Japantown or Richmond or Mission in the 20ths/30ths. Somewhere where a group of folks can drop in. I want to get a headcount first, though. Who's in? And then maybe G. and I can do something larger later.

Added by jaschu on February 9, 2006

Interested 1