90 Hurst Street, The Arcadian Centre
Birmingham, England B5 4T

Technical Meetings are a monthly event, featuring a variety of talks and tutorials. Each meeting aims to have a spread of talks for beginners and experienced programmers alike, although everyone is welcome to come along and listen in. In previous meetings, talks have had a broad range of appeal, we have catered to the in depth, informative, amusing and tutorial talks, beneficial to both newcomers and experienced coders. Whatever you're Perl knowledge, there is something for everyone.

Please note that all technical meetings are free of charge.

If you would like to present a talk, please feel free to get in touch, as we are always pleased to feature new subjects and ideas.

Added by barbie on November 1, 2005



Anyone interested in hearing about amazon web services ?


Yes please.

Sorry it took a while to see this, but i don't check it that often. better to contact me via email (barbie [at] missbarbell.co.uk). We have just one talk lined up for the next tech meet at the moment, so I'm keen to get one or possibly two more.

Interested 2