BiRequest invites you to join them at Identity House 39 West 14th Street in Greenwich Village on Thursday, March 15th 2007 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM for a final hurrah and fund-raising event for Identity House.
As many members of the LGBT community have heard, Identity House an institution in NYC, who has graciously hosted BiRequest's meetings for the past few years will lose their lease when expires in April. The landlords are doubling their rent, which means that Identity House must move out because of a lack of funds. Many of the staff are volunteer and most of the resources they offer are free services. If Identity House shuts down, hundreds of individuals will no longer have use of their community outreach resources.
The folks at Identity House are being forced to make plans in a tough real estate market to relocate their operation. Since they do invaluable service for the LGBT community, and since they have been such good hosts for us, we at BiRequest would like to do whatever we can to support their efforts.
We are therefore having a social event on Thursday the 15th in place of our regular meeting.
This will be a fun-filled night of potluck appetizers and drinks, creativity and socializing. There will be a raffle with great prizes, including two $25 movie gift certificates. Many of our regular members have offered to read poetry, sing songs, and perform for us. There's also a cool art gallery in the main room of Identity House, where we will hold our party. Additionally a representative of Identity House will come and speak about the situation of the organization and what their plans are for the future.
Admission is $5, but we never refuse entry for inability to pay. As always we welcome bisexuals, queers, gays, lesbians, transgendered, polyamorous, and other open-minded, non-judgmental, bi-friendly individuals! So, if you are up for a great night of fun and fancy, come join us in our celebration. And help us save Identity House!
If you haven't been able to attend meetings for a while, this would be a perfect occasion to reconnect with old and new friends in a relaxed social setting.
Hope to see YOU there.
PLEASE NOTE: Starting in April BiRequest is relocating their meetings, down the street to NYC's LGBT Community Center, located at 208 West 13th Street in NYC 212.620.7310, same dates & times.
Official Website:
Added by NYABN on March 14, 2007