Birdsong is a not-for-profit, non-sectarian, free-thinking, facilitated peer support group for and by female incest & childhood sexual trauma survivors with regular weekly meetings on Manhattan's Upper East Side.
The group meets every Thursday evening from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm on the first floor of The New York Academy of Medicine located at the corner of Fifth Avenue and East 103rd Street in NYC.
For the first 30 to 45 minutes of our group we go around and give each individual who wishes to an opportunity to talk about anything pertinent that happened to them that week and to share where they are that week emotionally. We feel this is an important aspect of the group as we as survivors often ache for a place to vent "uncensored" as to the emotions we grapple with day to day as a result of our PTSD.
The remaining 60-90 minutes of each group meeting is dedicated to a question and answer style topic-driven talk/exercise led by a facilitator, usually either Dr. Ann Boyer or Ms. Celeste Patton a peer facilitator. These topics are designed to help all of us survivors build up our "coping tool box”."
This Week's Topic: "Self-Isolation, breaking those chains"
Please visit us - walk-in's particularly encouraged!
Join us. You do not need to suffer alone! For far too long we have allowed societal stigmas and the twisted threats of our offenders to prevent us from seeking the healing we deserve. No more.
You can contact us by phone: 212.932.9253 or by e-mail
Official Website:
Added by BirdsongOrg on November 29, 2007