Your journey into life sciences begins with the five-story DNA strand and leads you into the Very Small Gallery and the amazing realm of cells and DNA. Investigate genes, traits and heredity. Find out about the Human Genome Project and how its findings could be used to help people. Enter the Science Sleuth Theater to try your hand (and mind) at crime solving. Shift from microscopic scale to human scale as you enter My Size Gallery, which features multi-sensory explorations of human biology and health science. Investigate body systems with Body Probe and manipulate a human skeleton to find out how joints work. Activate a kinetic sculpture using your own pulse. Make the jump from human scale to Earth size in the Really Big Gallery, where the spotlight is on environmental sciences. Reel in a giant Smallmouth bass to find out what it eats and then interact with exhibits on mutation and evolution, extinction, biodiversity and global warming.
Added by Upcoming Robot on December 17, 2009