2 East 63rd Street at 5th Avenue
New York City, New York 10021

Biology and Art: Two Worlds or One?
Sponsored by: The New York Academy of Sciences

We gratefully acknowledge our sponsor
The William A. Haseltine Foundation for Medical Sciences and the Arts

This conference will explore the nature of the science-art interface, the inspiration this interface provides to scientists and artists alike, and the impact of these interactions on art, research and other human endeavors. More specifically, the conference will focus on how biological objects—whether viruses, animals, plants, cells, or organelles—become an inspiration for certain artists' work, and how scientists—ever so particular about accuracy and specificity—respond to such artistic representations.

The Belgian conceptual artist Wim Delvoye, creator of the Cloaca Project, will give the keynote lecture. The rest of the day will be organized as a series of four conversations between artists and scientists. For each conversation, an artist will appear with a scientist who works with the biological objects that inspire that artist. Short talks and extensive discussions will provide a forum where ideas generated in these two very different spheres of creative endeavors—science and art—are expressed, elaborated and deliberated.

The Academy will be selecting artists to display their work via laptops at this event. If you would like to submit your work, please send an email with "Art Submission" in the subject line to artconf@nyas.org .

Please include your full contact information, as well as attachments or links to your work. Submissions must be received by March 30th. You will be notified whether or not your work has been selected during the week of April 2nd. For more information, please contact 212.298.8621.

Preliminary Program

8:00 AM – 8:45 AM - - Registration

8:45 AM – 9:00 AM - - Welcome & Meeting Overview
Ellis Rubinstein, President, The New York Academy of Sciences
William A. Haseltine, President, The William A. Haseltine Foundation for Medical Sciences and the Arts

9:00 AM – 10:00 AM - - Keynote Address
Wim Delvoye (Belgium, Artist)

10:00 AM – 10:30 AM - - Coffee Break

10:30 AM – 11:45 AM - - Session I: Structural Biology
Mara G. Haseltine (New York, Sculptor)
Wayne A. Hendrickson, PhD (Columbia University, Biophysicist)

11:45 AM – 12:45 PM - - Session II: Microbes
Laura Splan (New York, Artist)
Jonathan A. King, PhD (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Biologist)

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM - - Lunch

2:00 PM – 3:15 PM - - Session III: Locomotion
Theo Jansen (Holland, Artist, Kinetic-Sculptor & Scientist)
Andrew A. Biewener, PhD, (Harvard University Concord Field Station)

3:15 PM – 3:45 PM - - Coffee Break

3:45 PM – 5:00 PM - - Session IV: TBD
Michael Joaquin Grey (New York, Artist)

5:00 PM – 5:30 PM - - Concluding Remarks

5:30 PM – 7:00 PM - - Reception & Exchange

Registration fees include admission to all sessions, coffee breaks, lunch, reception, and Introductory NYAS membership for nonmembers.

Official Website: http://www.nyas.org/events/eventDetail.asp?eventID=8884&date=4%2F14%2F2007%208%3A00%3A00%20AM

Added by this is emily on March 20, 2007