A joint UK/ Weizmann Institute is being held. Topics covered will include multimolecular complexes, functional genomics, transcription networks and DNA computing.
The keynote speaker will be Stephen Emmott from Microsoft Cambridge.
Speakers from the Weizmann:
Nir Friedman
David Harel
Shmuel Pietrokovski
Gideon Schreiber
Eran Segal
Edud Shapiro
Yoav Soen
Speakers from the UK:
Martyn Amos
Cyrus Chothia
Jasmin Fisher
Mike Hoffman / Ewan Birney
Jaroslav Stark
Michael Sternberg
Perdita Stevens
The location is Robert Building, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT
Registration £50 (£30 for students) including lunch, tea and coffee.
To apply complete contact Michelle Jacobs at Weizmann UK
Attendance will be limited to 180 delegates, see Biological Complexity for more details.
Official Website: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dullhunk/2279887070/
Added by dullhunk on February 20, 2008