5 Washington Place, 2nd Floor
New York, New York

Caspar Hare
Associate Professor of Philosophy,
Department of Linguistics & Philosophy, MIT

'Procreation and Rescue'

Friday, February 10, 2012
5 Washington Place
Room 101 Auditorium

4:00-6:00 pm
Reception to follow
RSVP required

We have historically unprecedented control over procreation. What should we do with this control? Should we aim, other things being equal, to create happier, healthier people? We also have historically unprecedented control over life-saving resources. What should we do with this control? Should we aim, other things being equal, to save the lives of happier, healthier people?

These seem like very different questions. I propose a common framework for thinking about them. It delivers positive answers without asking us to place people's lives on a scale, and determine that some are weightier depositories of value than others.

Official Website: http://bioethics.as.nyu.edu/object/bioethics.events.20120210.hare

Added by NYC-Phil on January 24, 2012