3-3:30PM Registration
3:30-5PM Investor Panel: "Trends in Financing - Looking Back, Looking Ahead"
5-6:30PM Holiday Celebration Networking Reception
The first key to get funding is to understand where the money is. Join experts from the Investment world at our annual Trends in Financing Panel & Holiday Party to understand the types of financings that are occurring today - including topics such as who is getting funding, what investors are looking for, what criteria they use to evaluate/fund your company, etc. - what is new and what to expect for 2009.
Speakers include:
- Samuel Colella, Co-Founder & Managing Director, Versant Ventures: A highly respected VC recognized for his leadership in life sciences investing. Mr. Colella co-founded Versant Ventures with six other managing directors in 1999. Over the course of his career, Mr. Colella has acquired more than 20 years of successful operating experience in the high technology industry and more than 25 years of investing experience in the healthcare sector.
- Ellen Koskinas, Partner, InterWest Partners: Ms. Koskinas focuses on life sciences investing, with an emphasis on medical devices. She is a board member of Applied Spine Technologies, Apsara Medical, CardioMind, EnteroMedics and Neuronetics. She has also been an active observer on the boards of Epicor (acquired by St. Jude Medical), NeuroPace and Paracor Medical.
- Ted Driscoll, Venture Partner, Claremont Creek Ventures: He is also an active angel investor and managing director of the Sand Hill Angels, a 50-person angel group.
- Lead Facilitator: Scott Iyama, Corporate Lawyer, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP: A member of the Emerging Companies Group, which advises emerging companies and VC firms. Mr. Iyama's practice focuses on the representation of emerging growth life science companies, as well as public offerings, private venture financings, and technology transactions.
Regular $60 | Partners' Network $40 | Networking Reception only: $30 | BioCenter Members: Free.
Official Website: http://www.sjbiocenter.com/event/ev_2008Q4-HolidayPartyAndTrendsInFinancingInvestorPanel.html
Added by FullCalendar on October 20, 2008