595 E. Water Street
Pendleton, Indiana 46064

Pendleton, Indiana -- The word “bingo” may conjure up memories of church fundraisers or red-checkered picnic tables.
But the game has changed. Bingo used to be played in a church basement. Now it is played everywhere . . . even in a library!
B-4 you make plans for Wednesday, February 6th, mark your calendar for this Friends of the Library event.
The Pendleton Community Library, 595 East Water Street, invites the public to a fun afternoon filled with lots of prizes and refreshments. We will start calling the numbers at 2:00 p.m. The event is free and will be held in the Community Room where you can yell “BINGO” without being shushed!
R.S.V.P.s are appreciated. Call the library at (765) 778-7527 or email ashannon@pendleton.lib.in.us if you plan to attend.

Added by Pendleton-Gazette on January 26, 2008