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Building Information Modelling (BIM) is one of the key parts of the Government’s construction strategy and the intention is for it to be mandatory on public sector contracts within five years. BIM offers the potential to realise efficiencies and improve quality throughout the supply chain, however introducing the software alone without facing up to broader changes will limit any benefits.

Waiting until the Government or a private sector client imposes BIM brings huge risks. An increasing number of companies are already getting themselves “into shape” by taking a strategic view of the opportunities this can bring to improve the quality of the built environment, increase efficiency and reduce costs. In doing so companies are facing up to the range of changes required to ensure they are aligned with supply chain partners to guarantee they can capitalise on the enabling technology. They are also recognising that this brings with it tough choices.

So what are the early considerations that companies can be taking now to take full advantage of the potential benefits of BIM as a way of doing smart business?

This workshop will help companies identify the critical areas that have been proven to help companies work in a more collaborative way with supply chain partners. Examples of the issues that need addressing include:

Starting with strategy – Where does BIM fit in helping us deliver our goals? What is the business case? What is the likely return on investment? Are there any Risks?

Where do we start? Helping you assess your company's readiness to work towards BIM principles and standards?

Culturally, how ready are we to collaborate with supply chain partners?

What are the leadership questions that need addressing if buy- in is to be achieved?


Alistair McLeod, Business Development Director, Waterstons
Alistair is an experienced IT Consultant working in property management, construction and engineering. With a software development background, Alistair now primarily helps clients in defining IT Strategies, improving business processes and information integration and providing consultancy on business intelligence strategies and solutions. He has over 19 year experience in IT and is a Chartered IT Professional and a qualified Prince 2 Practitioner.

Engagements have included the development of an IT Strategy for a large engineering client, implementation of a communication and collaboration solution for a property management company and the implementation of a network acceleration solution with a blue chip construction company.

Kate McCullough, BA (Hons), ILM Level 7 Certificate in Executive Coaching and Leadership Mentoring (in progress), MBTI Step 1

Kate supports her clients to meet a range of objectives where performance, impact and effective leadership really matter. She works with individuals and teams from first line managers to senior executives. Kate has a particular interest in working with partnerships and other forms of collaborative working where the ‘normal’ business challenges of aligning people and strategy become ever more complex when a number of different cultures, leadership styles and ambitions come into play.

As an Organisation Development (OD) consultant and facilitator, Kate’s style balances support and challenge to help clients stay focused on the task in hand and maintain pace and momentum to achieve their objectives. Her skills as a coach add depth and personality to the solutions she helps clients create and encourages ownership and accountability for change.

Kate enjoys helping clients explore their own values and drivers and the connections between these are their professional objectives. She takes pride in helping clients increase their self awareness to become better informed, more insightful individuals, who feel empowered to contribute to organisational objectives and take responsibility for their own development.


To reserve a place at this event please contact Nancy Porter at N.Porter@Salford.ac.uk or on 0161 295 5076 with the name, organisation and email address of anyone wishing to attend. Please note that places are limited to 2 per company.

There is no separate charge for this event, but please note that due to the popularity of these events, places are available on a first-come first-served basis.

This event is run by the University of Salford’s Centre for Construction Innovation.

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Official Website: http://www.salford.ac.uk/home-page/events/events/bim-software-with-tough-choices

Added by SalfordUni on March 21, 2012

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