Billionaires for Bush invite you to their "Drunk on Power" Ball on board the Frying Pan at Pier 63. Revel in music, dancing, performers and decadence as we trip the lights fantastic and celebrate the anniversary of the RNC in NYC and the hegemony of the wealthy. George W Bush - never has one man done so much for so few at the expense of so many. Huzzah!
The incredible entertainment lineup includes: 3 DJs - one salsa and two wide-ranging groovers, DJ Small Change and the fab DJ Cocoa Cracker of Nublu. Live bands include the Shinto Kings, the Rude Mechanical Orchestra, and the Himalayas. There will be a preview of Billionaires for Bush: the Musical, and the fabulous Billionaires for Bush Follies will sing to celebrate wealth and power. Other festive activities include a photo booth (think prom gone very, very monied), a tattoo booth, and a kissing booth. There will be gold mouthwash, tiaras, and other bling to add to the opulence.
*Dress to Oppress*
Tickets: $15 in advance online,, $20 @door
Proceeds from this benefit will go to support Billionaires for Bush and
the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign.
Who are we?
Billionaires for Bush is a grassroots network of corporate lobbyists, decadent heiresses, Halliburton CEOs and other winners under George Bush's economic policies. With chapters nationwide, we will give whatever it takes to maximize our profits in the face of others' economic well-being. After all, we know a good president when we buy one.
Who are we really?
Billionaires for Bush is a do-it-yourself grassroots media campaign using humor
and street theater to expose politicians who support corporate interests at the expense of everyday Americans. For More Information Contact: Geneva Sheraton,, or go to
Added by jsolid on August 18, 2005