2nd Annual "Bike-Out or Strike-Out" Power-Skids into Record Street on Nov, 10th
Annual Fundraising Event Celebrates Truckee Meadows Urban Bike Culture
Reno, NV (October 17, 2007) Join the Reno Bike Project, local sponsors and countless Reno bike enthusiasts to celebrate the 2nd annual "Bike-Out or Strike-Out" at the Record Street Cafe (945 Record Street) on November 10, 2007, starting at 12:00 noon. The event is a celebration of urban bike culture and art and will include live music, food, raffles, an awesome alley-cat race, bike rodeo, and much more. All are welcome and encouraged to come ride, race, celebrate and help the Reno Bike Project promote urban cycling in Reno.
Attendees are encouraged to donate used bikes and bike parts that can be refurbished by our professional mechanic and volunteers. All refurbished bikes will be sold at affordable prices to help serve the community's basic transportation needs. All funds raised at this event directly benefit The Reno Bike Project, a non-profit community bike shop and advocacy group for cycling as transportation. At last year's event $1,000 was raised and the group received many bicycle donations.
If you are interested in volunteering for this, or other events, please contact Vanessa Belz @ volunteer@renobikeproject.com. To become a sponsor contact Noah Silverman at renobikeproject@gmail.com.
The main event will feature an alley-cat race starting at 12:00 noon. Entry fee is $5 and includes a T-shirt and prizes. The party after the race will feature live local music, Bar-B-Que by Record Street Café, raffle of cool local goods and services, and a freak-bike circus/bike rodeo that will include skid, foot-down, track-stand, and and wheelie competitions. There will also be free community bike repair, and a bicycle donation drive. After the event, the Holland Project (hollandreno.blogspot.com) will take over and hold their all-ages Youth Board Zombie Dance Party and Double-Dutch competition.
Many generous local businesses have donated items or services for the raffle including:
* Patagonia -- www.patagonia.com
* Twelve Horses -- www.twelvehorses.com
* Record Street Café
* Salon 7 -- www.salon7.net
* Scalleycat -- www.scalleycat.com
* Blue Moon --
* Yoga Shack -- www.yogashack.com
* Never Ender -- www.neverenderreno.com
* Black Hole -- www.blackholereno.com
* Chocolate Bar -- www.thechocbar.com
* Silver Peak -- www.silverpeakbrewery.com
* Blue Plate --
Photos: 2006 "Bike-Out or Strike-Out" images can be found at http://www.flickr.com/photos/justinsullivan/sets/72157594383651556/ All photos on that page are by Justin Sullivan.
General Reno Bike Project Photos: http://www.flickr.com/groups/renobikeproject/pool/ Photos as credited on Flickr, see contact for ID.
To learn more about the Reno Bike Project visit blog.renobikeproject.com.
Official Website: http://www.renobokeproject.com
Added by iamindisposed on October 19, 2007