Bike Me Out to the Ball Game
Event celebrates opening of new bike trail and bike valet at Nationals Park
The Washington Area Bicyclist Association and bike riding baseball fans.
A potluck bike tailgate party followed by a group ride on the new Anacostia Riverwalk and Trail to the bike valet at Nationals Park to watch the Nationals take on the Chicago Cubs.
Sunday, April 27th. Tailgate party begins at 11:30am. Group ride to Nationals Park starts at 1pm. Baseball game begins at 1:30pm.
Bike tailgate party will take place near the north end of parking lot 8 at RFK Stadium.
Join the Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) for a celebration of the start of biking season by biking out the ball game on Sunday, April 27th. The event begins with a potluck bicycle tailgate party and barbeque at RFK Stadium followed by a group ride along segments of the new Anacostia Riverwalk and Trail to Nationals Park to watch the home team take on the Chicago Cubs. Special reserved tickets to the game are available at the WABA website: click to purchase tickets.
The event celebrates the opening of a new section of the Anacostia Riverwalk and Trail near RFK Stadium, as well as the new bike valet at Nationals Park. WABA will provide the grills, hot dogs, hamburgers and vegetarian options. Attendees are asked to bring drinks, chips and dips, and picnic-type sides to share with friends. WABA has purchased a block of 100 tickets for the game against the Cubs. Tickets for the game cost $35 each for WABA members, $40 for non-members and are available on a first come-first serve basis through the WABA website, Cyclists with bike trailers are needed to help carry supplies from the WABA office to RFK.
Event schedule
10:00am: Meet at the WABA office, 1803 Connecticut Ave NW with bike trailers
11:30am: Tailgate party and barbeque begins at RFK Stadium
1:00pm: Depart RFK for a group ride to Nationals Park
1:30pm: Game time!
For more information, contact:
Official Website:
Added by W A B A on April 24, 2008