The Awesome Foundation for the Arts and Sciences and The Information Superhighway Cordially Invite You To...
An Awards Ceremony & Party for the Awesome Foundation
August 7th, 2009, 8:00 PM - 12:00
Berkman Squared, 50 Church Street, Cambridge, MA
A venerable institution founded in June 2009, The Awesome Foundation for the Arts and Sciences gives monthly $1,000 fellowships to projects that advance the interest of Awesomeness in our universe. There are no requirements for applying, no definite criteria for deciding the winner, and no limitations beyond the necessity for being awesome. The winners receive the money in cash, check, or gold doubloons.
This month, we are extremely proud to award our first grant to Hansy Better, professor at RISD and all around architect extraordinaire (see here). Her plan: to design, fabricate and install a huge hammock in Boston Common for people to hang out in. Come celebrate with us, meet the fellow and our micro-trustees, and hear about the plans to set the scheme into motion.
NOTE: the price for this event is free, just like how much it'll cost to hang out in the huge ass hammock. You can expect beverages, food, ideas, cool people, and a big ceremonial check.
To submit to be the Awesome Fellow for September, please drop us a line at:
NOTE: For you completionists, this event also cross posted on Facebook
Added by timhwang on August 1, 2009