Fusion of Middle-Eastern, North African & International Beats
F R I D A Y J U N E 2 7
Bibi's One Year Anniversary & SF Pride Celebration
GrooveTickets.com | Search"Bibi"
$15 Door .
$10 Online Tickets
DJ Gevo
Club Nur [la]
DJ Raffy
Sheek Image [sf]
DJ Masood
Mixmasterzeus [sj]
DJ Cheon
Bibi Resident [sf]
DJ Emancipacion
Bibi Resident [oak]
NEW: Hookah Lounge Bar by Hooka Nar
Classy, Sexy Gals & Guys Go Go Dancing
With Ms. cherry Galette
NEW: Visuals by Mikeee, Global SF
100% of proceeds benefiting Bibi community projects & SWANABAQ
GrooveTickets.com | Search"Bibi"
NEW: The Pork Store Cafe @ 16th St & Valencia SF 9PM-late 21+
For Income sensitive tickets please email ProjectBibi@yahoo.com.
Shake those hips!
Details, videos, blog, flyer at:
Official Website: http://www.myspace.com/bibisf
Added by Rostam on June 12, 2008