Aakar Dance Academy was found under the able guidance of Guru Smt Swati Datar and Guru Shri Deepak Mazumdar.
Aakar Dance Academy trains or gives training to all age group people. Starts from the age of 5yrs to 50yrs of age group.
Training in dance is provided according to the age. There are different batches for each age group.
Special batches are also conducted for personalities like doctors, businessmen and businesswomen.
Bharatnatyam, Folk Dance Style, Western Dance Style.
Aakar Dance Academy, A-4, 'Rajgad' Soc., SBI Staff Co-Op Hsg Society, Shivatirth Nagar, Kothrud, Pune 411038.
For detailed information contact or visit website
EMAIL: roshni_shetty23123@rediffmail.com
PHONE NO: 25445829
WEBSITE: www.roshniaakar.com/index.html
Added by snehaxbs4 on March 30, 2009