A Leadership Workshop of Not In Our Town- Silicon Valley
Cost: Free, includes lunch
RSVP to reserve your space: niot.siliconvalley@yahoo.com
We invite you to engage in a half-day discussion and workshop that can help launch new efforts to build a stronger, more inclusive community.
Through panel discussions and interactive breakout sessions, "Beyond Us and Them" will launch ongoing communication and action about issues of diversity and inclusion in key Silicon Valley organizations and institutions. The conference features a video screening of "Not In Our Town: Northern California," a panel discussion called "Listening to Our Neighbors: How Does Hidden Bias Affect All of Us?," and breakout sessions.
Not In Our Town uses the power of documentary storytelling, media, the web, and outreach to encourage community action against hate violence and intolerance. The Not In Our Town project has become one of the country's leading resources for community organizing to prevent hate violence.
Anti-bias activities on the Peninsula are part of a region-wide Not In Our Town project designed to connect civic leaders, law enforcement, educators, students, citizen activists and the faith community to respond to hate violence and jointly address methods of prevention.
Official Website: http://app.e2ma.net/app/view:CampaignPublic/id:9110.965224278/rid:57b391ea6aab5879a461371d49eedd28
Added by theworkinggroup on March 4, 2008