790 Livermore St.
Yellow Springs, Ohio

Plan C – The Lifestyle Alternative

As the world nears Peak Oil, energy prices are skyrocketing, geopolitical tensions are escalating, and the push for energy alternatives is intensifying. Yet many proposed solutions to Peak Oil will accelerate climate change, worsen global inequity, and further degrade our environment and communities. Still others have limited short-term technical feasibility.

“The time has come to move beyond energy alernatives to creating alternative lifestyles and communities.”

While Plans A and B seek to maintain unsustainable levels of resource consumption through energy alternatives, Plan C advocates for cultural change.

Plan A – More and dirtier fuels like tar sands, oil shale, coal-to-liquids, and “clean” coal (bury CO2) to keep up with growing energy consumption.

Plan B – The green approach proposes using large-scale renewables like wind, solar, biofuels (burn food) and hydrogen to maintain our high energy way of life, keeping us complacent and consuming.

Plan C – Our strategy of cultural change, conservation, curtailment, and community.

Through drastic reductions in resource consumption, dramatic conservation and curtailment of energy use, coupled with an increase in local community living we can survive Peak Oil and create a sustainable world.

The conference will look at how each individual can make a difference, reduce CO2 emissions and help bring about a more peaceful world.

Why Attend This Community Solutions Conference?
This annual event is a key educational and networking opportunity for all individuals concerned about Peak Oil and climate change and who are working to make the necessary changes in their lives and communities.
At the conference you will:
• Learn the latest information on Peak Oil and how it will affect our economy and our lives.
• Discover the limitations of the proposed energy alternatives and how many could speed up global climate change.
• Hear about solutions for food and farming, housing and transportation.
• Explore the concepts of relocalization, sustainability, agrarianism, and more.
• Strategize with fellow Peak Oil activists, academics and community organizers in the largest gathering of the Peak Oil movement in the country.
• Become a part of this consortium of people involved in environmental action, social justice, voluntary simplicity, renewable energy, appropriate technologies, green building, climate change awareness, sustainability, relocalization, intentional community, perma-culture, and other movements, who find Peak Oil a bridging global event.

Official Website: http://www.communitysolution.org/06conf1.html

Added by raines on September 7, 2006