Beliefs operate within you whether or not you are aware of them. When expanding the boundaries of awareness, you often come in direct contact with embedded belief systems and ways of thinking. How beliefs come into form can vary based on many influences: direct experiences, relationships, family of origin, intellectual pursuits, ethnic culture, religion, inner knowing, among others.
In this experiential session, you will identify, inquire, and reflect upon these influences and the beliefs that were formed from them. You will gain an understanding of beliefs operating in your everyday life. You will work in pairs and small groups, and have time for self-reflection.
Through a foundation based on the interconnection of life, you will explore how personal beliefs intersect with relationships and broader cultural influences. You will be introduced to a model based in interconnection, which will allow you to discover underlying personal beliefs, the connections that exist between each of us, and the (often) unconscious influences of identity, roles and culture. Through interactive and reflective experiences, you will have a chance to imagine what might be possible when you expand your beliefs.
Added by jungfire on September 19, 2011