225 Route 202
Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920

Betting on a Cure: A Casino Night Benefit for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society will be held on Thursday, June 11, 2009, from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., at The Olde Mill Inn in Basking Ridge, NJ. The event will feature:

A buffet by renowned Chef Walter Leffler;
Wine, beer, and signature cocktails;
Casino games, including Blackjack, Roulette and Texas Hold 'em, by EventsPlus Entertainment;
Music and entertainment by DJ Brad McErlean; and
A Silent Auction & 50/50 Raffle.

Betting on a Cure will generate the funds necessary for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) to continue to offer comprehensive support services to blood cancer patients and their families as well as invest in research that will literally save lives. The LLS, headquartered in White Plains, NY, with 68 chapters in the United States and Canada, is the world’s largest voluntary health organization dedicated to funding blood cancer research and providing education and patient services. The LLS mission: Cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families. Since its founding in 1949, LLS has invested more than $600 million in research specifically targeting leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma.

Event Dress Code: Dressy Casual.

(Dressy Casual: For men: trousers, khakis or dress pants with a long or short sleeve collared shirt (no tie required). For women: slacks, skirts or dress pants with appropriate top. No jeans, shorts or T-shirts, please.)

Official Website: http://www.lls.org/nnj/bettingonacure

Added by Meghan Horner on June 8, 2009

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