Do you want to change the world as you shop? Would you like to make sure that every you purchase you make supports companies that care for more than just the bottom line? Would you like to learn which companies are concerned about environmental sustainablity, human rights, animal protection, community involvement or social justice?
Join Dr. Ellis Jones, UC Davis sociolgist, originator of the bestelling Better World Handbook (, and now author of the Better World Shopping Guide (, a comprehensive pocket-sized guide for socially and environmentally responsible consumers, as he shares insights as to how you can turn your grocery list into a powerful tool to change the world. Jones will offer highlights from over 20 years of research (distilled into simple A to F report cards) of some the worst and best companies on the planet, will offer practical tips to help you tell the "good guys" from the "bad guys", and will help you turn every dollar spent into a powerful vote for a better world.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on March 17, 2007