1999 Harrison St., Suite 1100
Oakland, California 94612

Financially Informed Agile Software Development: Why MMFs are replacing User Stories
Mark Denne, author, Software By Numbers (Pearson 2003) and
creator, Minimum Marketable Feature (MMF) and Incremental Funding Method (IFM) concepts for software development

Wed, April 1, 2008
6:00-6:30 pm Socializing
6:30-8:30 pm Presentation and Discussion

In today's competitive environment, software development projects don't get funded unless they return clearly defined value to the business. Demands for shorter investment periods, faster time-to-market and increased agility require new and radical software development approaches.

This session introduces the Incremental Funding Methodology (IFM) and the concept of Minimum Marketable Features (MMFs). The session will demonstrate how IFM concepts can be used in both traditional and agile development environments. It will also demonstrate the power of the MMF as an alternative to the use of User Stories through worked examples.

This is a return engagement for Mark, who kept our group's rapt attention for long after his presentation was over when he presented his early results three years ago. There's been significant uptake of the MMF concept, particularly in the agile world in the interim, with anecdotes and numbers to inform adoption of this methodology.

$10. Pre-register until morning of the event. No charge if you're a paid-up eBig member.

Official Website: http://www.ebig.org

Added by FullCalendar on March 2, 2009

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