262 Friend Street
Boston, Massachusetts

Price: $5 online, $10 at the door
Age: 21+ show

The summer has ended but the Bandland series is just beginning. Weekly shows will continue to feature the best in Boston music in the area's best multilevel venue. This Wednesday Anthem presents the best drawing acts from the summer all in one special show.

Save $5 now by purchasing online tickets in advance at www.anthemevents.com. This is one show not to be missed! For additional info or for group rates, please e-mail info@anthemevents.com.

**Anyone who purchases tickets online at for the Nov. 15th or 17th Bandland Shows at The Greatest Bar get into the 18+ Tabu show on Nov. 16th for free with their e-ticket! Just bring your e-ticket to both shows!**

Official Website: http://www.anthemevents.com

Added by anthem on October 30, 2006

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