Berklee presents its fifth annual Official SXSW Party featuring Berklee,, and Heavy Rotation Records alumni and students from all over the U.S. performing rock, indie pop, hip-hop, folk, and country music. Artists include Audible Mainframe from Long Beach, CA; The Young Republic from Nashville; Nini & Ben (HRR) from Boston; Austinites Stefan Wm and Jordan Tarrant (HRR); Ann Driscoll (HRR) from Cincinnati, OH; Love Like Fire from San Francisco; and Shayna Zaid & the Catch from New York.
The party is 21+ and open to SXSW badge holders. SXSW wristband holders and the general public can rsvp to to attend free of charge. Alumna Sarah Sharp will host the event. Giveaways include SanDisk Sansa MP3 players, a Berkleemusic online course, and copies of HRR’s Dorm Sessions 7 CD.
Dozens of up-and-coming Berklee alumni and students from Heavy Rotation Records (HRR) will be among the artists filling every nook and cranny of the city to perform at official and unofficial showcases and parties happening day and night during SXSW. For the fifth consecutive year, Berklee continues its tradition of hosting an official SXSW Party on Friday afternoon at Friends, and doubles the fun, adding a second day and venue to present alumni and students at the Lucky Lounge on Thursday.
Official Website:
Added by Berklee MR on March 2, 2010