136 Massachusetts Ave
Boston, Massachusetts 02115

For Immediate Release
Contact: Nick Balkin // 617-747-2247 // nbalkin@berklee.edu


MEIEA 2009 guests include keynote speakers Hal Vogel and Danny Goldberg
Executives from Nettwerk, Topspin, Bug Music, Electronic Arts, and more

Public access through online, walk-in registration

Boston, MA, March 11, 2009 – Berklee College of Music will host the annual Music and Entertainment Industry Educators Association (MEIEA) conference, addressing such global topics as monetizing music for film and video games; the use of technology in guerilla marketing and distribution; new business models for touring; brand building through social media; and more.

The MEIEA conference is an academic forum for discussion between industry practitioners, professors, and students of the global music and entertainment industries. Expected on campus will be over 100 faculty and 300 students from 117 institutions across the US – some coming from as far away as Scotland.

MEIEA 2009 takes place Friday, March 27, and Saturday, March 28, at various locations around Berklee's campus. To attend, the public must register with MEIEA or MEISA, the organization's student-arm, at http://www.meiea.org, or via walk-in during the conference at the Berklee Performance Center, 136 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston. The full conference schedule is available at http://www.meiea.org/Conference09/MEIEA_ConferenceSchedule_2009.pdf

Keynote speakers include Hal Vogel, industry analyst, author, and investor at Vogel Capital Management; and Danny Goldberg, president of Global Village Entertainment, Artemis Records founder, and former manager for Nirvana, The Beastie Boys, and The Allman Brothers. Confirmed moderators, panelists, and clinicians include:

Teddy Bautista, president, SGAE
Peter Gotcher, chairman and founder, Topspin
Ian Rogers, CEO, Topspin
Keyvan Peymani, COO, Nettwerk Music Group
John Rudolph, COO, Bug Music Publishing
Jim Griffin, Warner Music advisor/president, Choruss.
Marcie Allen Cardwell, president, MAC Presents
Panos Panay, founder and CEO, Sonicbids
Steve Schnur, worldwide executive of music and marketing, Electronic Arts
Walter McDonough, general counsel, Future of Music Creation
Nicole George, assistant v.p., ASCAP
Hunter Williams, v.p., SESAC
Jim D'Addario, chairman, D'Addario Strings
Sammy Ash, COO, Sam Ash Music
Dave Moulton, Moulton Labs
Tish Ciravolo, president, Daisy Rocks Guitars

Berklee's 4,000 students and 500 faculty made it a logical destination for the MEIEA conference. Professor Peter Alhadeff wrote the proposal – with help from assistant professor Andrea Johnson and music business/management assistant chair John Kellogg – that brought this year's conference to Berklee. Kellogg was recently elected MEIEA president and will assume his new role on March 28.

MEIEA is an international organization that was formed to bring together educators with leaders of the music and entertainment industries. Its primary goal is to facilitate an exchange of information between educators and practitioners in order to prepare students for careers in the music and entertainment industries. The organization, celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, represents music professionals, educators, and students from over 114 international colleges and universities. Visit: http://www.meiea.org

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Added by Berklee MR on March 23, 2009

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