1924 Cedar (at Bonita)
Berkeley, California

Musicians Note: sign-up for performers begins at 6:30 pm.

Rasheedah Sabreen was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA. She has resided in the Oakland/Bay Area for over thirty years. Rasheedah navigates this realm as a creative being sharing her artistic expression, and by being of service to others. Boundless Gratitude (aka Hassaun Ali Jones-Bey) will host. He delivers honest words and evocative imagery in a warm and expressive voice.

Sponsored by the BFUU Social Justice Committee
Suggested donation of $5 – $10 will benefit the BFUU
No one turned away. Wheelchair accessible.
BFUU phone: 519-841-4824

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Added by benburch666 on November 26, 2011

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