Musicians Note: sign-up for performers begins at 6:30 pm for the 20 available 10-minute spots.
Andrea taught herself how to play the acoustic guitar and shortly thereafter found herself at the doors of Youth Movement Records, a youth-run record label and youth development program. There she recorded her first song, “Like My Father,” which was featured in CBS's Emmy nominated Black History Series. Since then she has performed with David Pack (from Ambrosia), David Jenkins (from Pablo Cruise), Col. Hardgrove (from Public Enemy), Larry Carlton, Jimmy Nichols (Faith Hill’s Music Director), and Pete Townsend. Andrea hopes her journey will serve as an example to teach others to follow their dreams, no matter how great the obstacles.
Our host this month is Cynthia Johnson, a longtime Berkeley activist, showing leadership in a variety of groups. She is the vice chair of the Social Justice Committee.
Sponsored by the BFUU Social Justice Committee
Suggested donation of $5 – $10 will benefit BFUU
No one turned away. Wheelchair accessible.
SJC phone: 510-275-4272
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Added by benburch666 on March 29, 2013