200 E. Amite Street
Jackson, Mississippi 39201

SEBGAB Productions and The Friends of Hudspeth Center present a benefit concert featuring live in concert, Ms. Vicki Yohe’! The concert will be on Saturday, January 24, 2009 in Windsor Ballrooms I & II of the Marriott Hotel Downtown Jackson beginning at 7:00 p.m. Proceeds from this concert will benefit the Hollyhouse Sunroom Project for the Children of Hudspeth Regional Center. This event will include a special performance by the children and staff of Hudspeth as well as a command performance by the Mime Ministry of Pilgrim Rest M.B. Church - Brandon. Also appearing by special request is Blackberry Records recording artist/producer Mr. Stan Jones. For more information call: 601-317-0095.

Added by sebgab39211 on January 19, 2009

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