Thought latching to thought and pulling, a piece for four men, takes its title from a phrase coined by the poet Rimbaud to describe his writing method. Inspired by this statement, Wright’s dancers manoeuvre through moments of quiet contemplation into explosive surges of physical dexterity, driven by a kinetic stream of ideas.
Caught by stark columns of light designed by Guy Hoare, the piece is performed to a haunting musical score by Tim Sutton, recorded by the all-female ensemble, London Flutes.
‘It snuck up on and, quite unexpectedly, touched me. I'd welcome the chance to see it again.’
Brief Encounters is a Dance Umbrella initiative which provides a platform for both talented, new choreographers and short works by established artists. These works are performed prior to main stage shows.
Thought latching to thought and pulling, a commission for The Place Prize 2006, sponsored by Bloomberg.
Official Website:
Added by Article19 on September 27, 2007