Beltane, and its counterpart Samhain, divide the year into its two primary seasons. As Samhain is about honoring Death, Beltane, is about honoring Life. Beltane marks the passage into the growing season. May is the month of sensuality and sexuality revitalized, the reawakening of the earth and Her Children. It is the time when we reawaken to the vivid colors, vibrant scents, tingling summer breezes, and the rapture of summer after a long dormant winter. May is a time when flowers bloom, trees are green and life has again returned from the barren landscape of winter, to the hope of bountiful harvests, not too far away, and the lighthearted bliss that only summer can bring.
Beltane is also a time for the hand fasting of the Goddess and God. This is the union between the Great Mother and her Young Consort. This coupling brings a new cycle of life to the earth. This union on a Spiritual level is the unifying of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine. On the physical, it is the union of the Earth and Sun that brings about the fruitfulness of the growing season.
The Maypole is an important element to Beltane festivities, it is a tall pole decorated with long brightly colored ribbons, leaves, flowers and wreaths. Young maidens and lads each hold the end of a ribbon, and dance revolving around the base of the pole, interweaving the ribbons. As the dancers revolve around the pole the ribbons will weave creating a pattern, it is said that the pattern will indicate the abundance of harvest year. The magical energy raised while dancing the Maypole is sent into the earth's womb, awakening Her and encouraging fertility of the land.
After the rains of April, Iris brings the rainbow. Iris is the messenger who speaks directly to the soul. Swift as thought, she binds earth to sky with ribbons of light.
Many bright blessings to you and yours this Beltane. May this year bring you many pleasant surprises!
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Added by gileanstormheart on April 17, 2010