7180 New Perry Highway
Erie, Pennsylvania 16508

Whispering Lake Grove, ADF will celebrate Beltaine in Irish Celtic tradition on April 27, 2008 beginning at 5:30PM at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation building in Erie, PA. On this eve we shall celebrate the fertility of growing Greenworld and the lengthening light, as well as have an opportunity to purify ourselves between the Beltaine fires. We will reaffirm our alliances with the Spirits of the natural world around us. The beings to be honored at this occasion included: the King and Queen of the Sidhe, Aeongus Og Mac Oc and Aine, as well as the Nature Spirits in general. So, join us in celebration and fellowship as we welcome in the new season! Guests are most welcome to plan offerings for the Beings of the Occasion. Please also bring a dish to share for the potluck dinner to follow the ritual. Hope to see you there!

For additional information regarding this high day celebration, to view past rituals, obtain driving directions and more, please visit our newly updated website at: www.whisperinglakegrove.org. or contact Raven or Carrion Mann by email at: ravenmann@aol.com or carrionmann@aol.com or by phone at (814) 734-9730

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of EriePAGuy.

Added by EriePAGuy on April 9, 2008

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