Belly Dance has a reputation for being a sensual, seductive art form... but did you know it has its roots in childbirth preparation and labor support? Join BodyLoveBellyDance instructor Maya Taahira for an hour-long workshop on the benefits of belly dancing during pregnancy. This class includes:* Movements to alleviate minor aches and pains during the second and third trimesters * Movements to strengthen and tone the uterus and pelvic floor* Movements to help rotate a baby in a less-than-optimal birthing position (breech, asynclitic, etc.) both during pregnancy and during the birth process* Movements to help speed up a slow-to-progress labor* Movements to avoid while pregnant (demonstrated by the instructor)
Organized by The Hot Mama Fitness StudioThe Hot Mama Fitness Studio provides mothers in Washington, DC and Maryland with the
best in pre-natal and post-natal fitness, yoga, nutrition and wellness workshops.
Our programs will help you to enjoy a wonderful, healthy pregnancy and return to
your pre-pregnancy fitness level with ease.
Ticket Info: Belly Dance for Birth Preparation Workshop, $25.99
Official Website: http://prenatalbellydance-upcoming.eventbrite.com