Celebrate Valentine's Day in a fun and unique way this year! Michelle L'amour and her Chicago Starlets bring you a one-of-a-kind show that you will never forget. Held at the historic Music Box Theater, L'amour and her Starlets will dazzle you with dances down the aisles, striptease, and sexy movie shorts. If that's not enough, Michelle L'amour and Franky Vivid will be premiering a new burlesque movie short sure to set your night on fire. Dazzle your dates this year with burlesque at the Music Box. Also a great night for groups of friends or singles. Doors open at 11:30pm - show starts at midnight.
Official Website: http://www.musicboxtheatre.com/feature/valentines.html
Added by ImNewHere on January 19, 2009