853 Valencia (at 20th St.)
San Francisco, California 94110

It's John Norwood's going away party! I think there are probably some other bands playing too.

Added by jordan on December 20, 2005



I think it is a rather stupid idea to have this done at the same time as SXSW ...

Then again, looking at the wanted target customer group they may not be interested in the people attending SXSW anyway.


Timing you can't always control - but the $1600 price tag surely they could have done something about that.

Again, real world things with version numbers attached to them is lame. So is an expensive conference about 'community' Community is not about pricetags, surely?




Well, if you are coming and you are free tomorrow afternoon SUN 1-430 pm, we are hosting a BBQ at the Social Media Clubhouse - more details on our site http://www.socialmediaclub.com/


um these are the wrong dates! May 12-15 someone please fix!


LOL the homepage link to http://www.community2-0con.com is now owned by a cyber-squatter. Try instead http://www.iirusa.com/community/event-overview.xml