Based in Southern California, the critically acclaimed tribute show, Bella Donna, re-creates Stevie Nicks in concert. The band, named after the artist's double-platinum album, portrays the singer and her music (solo and with Fleetwood Mac), in a stunningly accurate depiction. From the attention to detail given to the music and vocal impersonations, to the authentic wardrobe and staging, Bella Donna will amaze with their ability to take their audience into a high-energy Stevie Nicks performance. When Bella Donna is on the Stage, Stevie Nicks is IN the House!
Tickets can be purchased online at, by phone at 714-550-0880 or from the box office, located at 801 North Main Street in Santa Ana. The box office is open Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The award-winning Ambrosia Restaurant is located on the 2nd floor of the OC Pavilion. Reservations are available starting at 5 PM and can be made online at or by phone at 714-550-0811.
Official Website:
Added by OCPavilion on October 25, 2008