165 Queen's Gate,
London, England SW7 5HD

An increasing number of us are living part-real, part-virtual lives. What are the opportunities, and dangers, that a virtual identity provides? Discuss these issues in person at the Dana Centre or in avatar on secondlife.com.

It will be taking place in Second Life at the following location:
The Magicians Colonnade at Abracadabra 201,90,31 at 11.00am SLT/PDT. Voice and audio stream.
Balcony seating is available at xyz 155,250,58. Audio stream only.

Will Gardener, deputy chief executive of Childnet International
Alistair Kelman, barrister and technologist
Jim Purbrick, software engineer, Linden Lab
Howard Rheingold, lecturer, School of Information, University of California

Davey Winder, technology autor and journalist

This event is free to book:
Call 020 7942 4040 or e-mail tickets@danacentre.org.uk

The Dana Centre and d.café are licensed premises open only to those aged 18 or over. Most events are free. Arrive early to enjoy a wide variety of delicious food and drink in our air-conditioned d.café.

Official Website: http://www.danacentre.org.uk/events/2008/04/22/389

Added by Gaetan Lee on March 31, 2008