3601 S. Sherman St.
Englewood, Colorado 80110

Each spirit medium has a particular gift or gifts which Spirit uses to get messages into the physical world. In Spiritualism, spirits are claimed to take control of the hand of a medium to write messages, letters, and even entire books. Automatic writing can happen in a trance or waking state. In tonight's class, we'll explore the world of Waking State Automatic Writing.
We will learn to access the energies wishing to communicate with us, and practice techniques to clear the way for the energies to pass safely through us and into written form.
This will be a fast paced, hands-on class in which everyone will have the opportunity to bring forth messages from Spirit.

Note: Please bring a notebook and pen to this class.

Official Website: http://www.denver-psychic.com/events/18576001/

Added by Mystic Services on May 18, 2011

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