Zen Buddhism offers tools to harmonize the body and mind, allowing us to appreciate the freedom and spaciousness of life in the present moment.
During this weekend we will follow a monastic schedule, which allows us to temporarily drop what’s outside and go deeply into inner work. All elements of a meditation retreat will be covered, including basic meditation techniques, posture, breath, formal meals, and facing obstructions.
Price: $150 ($120 members, $75 reduced rate)
A request for donations will be made at the end of the retreat.
For fixed price events, a reduced rate is available to anyone in need. Contact registrar for details: registrar@zendust.org
To register please visit www.zendust.org or call 503-728-0654.
Official Website: https://www.zendust.org/displayevent/48765
Added by howzentemple on April 10, 2013