This is THE premier golf clinic taught by a professional right in Hoboken, NJ (only a short walk from PATH, Bus, Train, Ferry and Light Rail).
We have just added a Beginner's Crash Course to our clinic selection. It provides the convenience of gaining all the knowledge from the regular Beginner's Clinic in just one session. It is a 5 hour program (with breaks included) held on 5/30, a Saturday morning 11 am-4 pm. Lunch is provided.
The crash course is conducted in a teaching center specifically designed for learning and practicing golf. No need to have golf clubs - we'll provide (or if you own clubs, bring them). The cost is only $179. Please email for a syllabus or for more information. You can also call the center at 201-876-9666.
Sign up today at
Official Website:
Added by paulina.hobokengolf on May 21, 2009